


Crop Circles Characteristics and Whether they can be Hoaxed

Crop Circles Characteristics and Whether they can be Hoaxed

Crop circles or agriglyphs are often beautiful and amazingly complex designs compressed into vast areas of vegetation. To date more than 10,000, crop circles have been reported in every continent and over 70 countries worldwide, including England, Australia, USA, France, Canada and Switzerland. They have been found in fields containing wheat, barley, canola, rice, linseed, and even in trees, ice and dry river beds.

Though you may not realize, cop circles are not a modern phenomenon. They are mentioned in numerous late 17th century texts, and over 200 cases had been reported prior to 1970. These early designs were comprised of simple circles. After the 1980’s they began to develop straight lines, and were starting to resemble the petrographs common to many sacred sites throughout the world. In the 1990’s the complexity of the designs began to increase rapidly and is continuing to do so. Nowadays it is not unusual to find crop circles closely resembling fractals and multi-dimensional quantum models. Crop circles have not only increased in complexity, they have increased in size, with the largest to date covering 200,000 square feet.

Can Crop Circles be Hoaxed?

Doug and Dave

In September 1991, two remarkable, British septuagenarians, Doug Bower and Dave Chorley, came forward and claimed responsibility for the entire crop circle phenomena in southern England. According to the pair, their late night activities had begun back in the early seventies when they decided to try and fool people into thinking that UFOs had landed. They claimed that their only tools had been a plank and a piece of string, armed with which they attempted to prove to the awestruck public that they could reproduce their earlier creations.

However, cerealogists found their story hard to swallow, particularly the fact that the two old men had single-handedly created hundreds of crop circles throughout the English countryside, and they began to delve a little deeper. When Doug and Dave were questioned separately, at a later date, they were unable to explain how some of the more complex crop circles had been constructed. There was also a conflict with some eye witness testimonies claimed that some of the circles had appeared within twenty seconds, accompanied by bright lights hovering over the crop fields. Despite their dogged insistence, it is difficult to see how the two old men could have been responsible for the huge number of circles that appeared throughout the English countryside over that period of time, and it certain does not account for the increasing number of circles appearing worldwide.

From time to time groups spring up who either attempt to create crop circles or at least lay claim to such creations. However, there are a number of marked anomalies that are common to so called ‘authentic’ crop circles that distinguish them from the man made category. So far, no hoaxed circle has ever reproduced a single characteristic associated with the genuine phenomena.

Crop Circle Characteristics

There are a number of interesting anomalies common to many crop circles which separated them from their obviously faked counterparts. In genuine crop circles the plants remain unharmed and are still growing despite their flattened condition. The circular designs may be swirled either clockwise or anti-clockwise, from a center point, in a wave pattern, rather than a tight spiral. At the center of the circle there is often a small hole, resembling a bird’s nest. Less mature plants, or a different species grouped together within the same area may often be left standing. Interestingly, despite the fact that 60 percent of the circles appear on rainy nights farmers have never discovered the presence of any mud inside a circle.

Many crop circles have been found to contain light, powdery deposits covering the plant leaves. This substance has been determined to be comprised of a magnetic iron ore known as magnate (which could be meteoric dust), silicon dioxide and magnesium oxide.

All plants within the circles appear to have been subjected to a sudden and intense burst of heat. This has the effect of softening the stems and enlarging the stem node, so that they drop, at ground level, at a 90 degree angle, they re-harden into their new permanent position without sustaining any apparent damage.

On a microscopic level, enlargement of the cell wall pits, in the membrane surrounding the seed head have been found. These are the holes through which nutrients pass to feed the seed. Interestingly, it has been documented that seeds germinated from crop circles occurring in mature plants grow faster and develop into larger, stronger plants than normal, while those occurring in less mature plants, produce stunted seedlings. Holes are also blown out at the plant stem nodes, usually at the second, though increasingly at the third and fourth node.

Crop circles also show the presence of ultra sound-sound above the range of human hearing. Such frequencies are also known to exist at ancient sacred sites such as stone circles and burial mounds.

Higher than normal levels of electromagnetic energy have been measured within crop circles. These have the ability to interact with human and animal brainwave patterns, and crop circles have been reported to effect people’s biophysical rhythms. It is not uncommon for people to report feeling sensations of heightened awareness and even healing, within crop circles. Many people also experience dizziness, disorientation and nausea, possibly caused by the presence of microwaves.

There was also an unusual occurrence in a crop circle in Canada involving two porcupines. Most animals, it seems, detect an impending crop circle event and will flee the area. Porcupines however are staid creatures, and in the face of danger tend to hold their ground and rely on their quills for defence. In the Canadian incident the remains of one porcupine was found, practically incinerated, while the other was found intact. However, there were skid marks showing where it had apparently been dragged from the edge to the center of the circle. Where it lay, its spines where bent in perfect alignment with the rest of the crop circle.


In the early1990’s Gerald Hawkins, a mathematician famous for is work with Stonehenge, became interested in crop circles. After examining ground surveys and aerial photographs he began to take measurements of crop circles and calculate the diametric ratios. In 18 particular patterns that included more than one circle.  In 11 of them, he found ratios matching the diatonic scale – corresponding to the white keys in an octave on the piano. He then began to look for significant geometric relationships within the lines and circle found in more detailed crop circles. He soon discovered four distinct geometric theorems connecting crop circle patterns, later he developed a more general theorem from them. Hawkins explained that the general theorem involves a series of concentric rings touching the side of a triangle. As the shape of the triangle shifts, it creates unique crop circle patterns. Interestingly, Hawkins was unable to find any of his theorems in Euclidian geometry. From this, he drew the conclusion that they were part of a more ancient mathematics.

This article is written by Corinna Underwood for Mind Power World: http://www.MindPowerWorld.com