
Understanding Our Universe – A Brief History

Understanding Our Universe – A Brief History

The concept of the universe and the entities that make it up are extraordinarily complex and fascinating. Scientists in many fields such as physics and astronomy, for example, continue to review the different theories about how the universe came to be. They also study many facets of the universe to tell as how old it is, what it is made up of, its size and much more. But to even begin to comprehend the complexities of the universe, you need to know how the word universe is defined.

Conventional Definition of the Universe

The word universe is typically defined as the totality of everything that exists and everything that doesn’t exist. Everything refers to all energy, all matter, galaxies, planets, stars, and all of the intergalactic space contents. This general definition is usually the one accepted by most, but there are slight variations in definition as well as terms used to describe it. Some refer to the universe as the world, cosmos or even nature.

Etymology of the Word Universe

The word universe as it is used today is derived from the French word Univers. The Old French word was derived from the Latin word universum. The Latin word was roughly translated as “everything translated as one”.

The universe has been studied by scientists, academics and philosophers since the beginning of mankind. The earliest geocentric models were developed by the Ancient Greeks and were the starting point for the theories and universal models of scientists and philosophers who came decades after them.

Copernicus’s Heliocentric Model

This astronomical model demonstrates the theory that the earth and the planets all revolve around one solid and stationary entity – the sun. The sun was believed to be the center of our solar system. This model had been proposed to the scientific community in the third century BC by Aristarchus of Samos, but wasn’t taken seriously by other astronomers or scientists. It wasn’t until the sixteenth century when Nicolaus Copernicus elaborated on the model and went into detail with it. With his studies and observations, he turned the argument into an astronomical matter rather than a philosophical one. The argument was whether the sun and stars revolved around the earth, or vice versa.

Newtonian Model of the Universe

During the seventeenth century, Isaac Newton studied mathematics, physics, optics, mechanics, and philosophy among other academic areas. Newton elaborated on the Copernicus model and said that the universe is made up of three different elements: matter, space and motion. He also knew that gravity was a part of the universe. After further study, Newton discovered universal gravitation and came to the conclusion that it was the reason why planets were drawn to the sun.

Big Bang Theory

This theory is the predominant cosmological model that is recognized today and it explains the earliest development of the universe. According to the Big Bang Theory, the universe was matter and energy that was contained in one extremely dense and very hot point. About fifteen billion years ago, this point of matter and energy exploded with great force. However, this was not an ordinary explosion. Unlike a bomb exploding where shrapnel is propelled outward in all directions and lands in random places, the Big Bang’s explosion mapped out our universe. You can think of the Big Bang as a flower. The petals of the flower are kept within before it blooms. Once the flower blooms, each petal grows outward, but not at random. Each petal has its own place on the flower. The Big Bang Theory came from a man by the name of Edwin Hubble. He observed the universe and its planets and concluded that the universe is constantly getting larger and the planets are constantly in motion, moving farther away from each other.

Keep in mind that the theories and models listed above are still being studied and new discoveries are being made using them as a starting point. While the Big Bang Theory is the fundamental theory of how the universe was formed, no one knows what there was before that point of energy and matter exploded. There are many other questions that have gone unanswered regarding the universe. Scientists are still studying the specifics of the universe. However, listed below are the particulars of the universe as it is known today.

How Big is the Universe?

The size of the universe is still unknown. Scientists are unsure how to accurately measure the universe for a few reasons. The universe is constantly expanding and there are many parts of the universe that are not within our reach to study or even observe. It is known that our universe is immensely huge in volume and it could possibly be infinite. It is believed that the universe that can be observed from Earth is a sphere with a radius of forty-six billion light years.

What is the Universe Made of?

The contents of the universe are many things. However, keep in mind that there is a lot of space that has not been observed or explored due to the fact that it is not within our reach. What we do know is that our universe is made up of neutrons, stars, heavy matter, dark matter, heavy elements, helium, hydrogen, and dark energy. Scientists believe that our universe is made up of about ninety-five percent dark matter and dark energy, both of which are not understood. That means that less than five percent of our universe is made of regular matter. The universe also has galaxies clustered together, voids, superclusters, and filaments that make up the universe.

How Old is the Universe?

The exact age of the universe is not really known. However, the universe is believed to be between thirteen and fifteen billion years old. Scientists have a hard time calculating an exact age because of the fact that the universe is always expanding.

The universe is a vast space containing matter, energy, elements, galaxies, and much more that scientists don’t even know about. The laws of the universe are not truly known either. It’s almost as if the universe as a whole is the most powerful entity we know as humans. Some people use the universe to explain good or bad things that happen to them. Some people see the universe as their own spiritual entity or higher power that dictates their fate or destiny. You may feel this way about the universe, or you may not. Whatever you believe about the universe, a few things are certain. The universe is larger than we will possibly ever know. There could be an infinite number of galaxies out there that we don’t know about. Scientists know for certain that there are an enormous number of galaxies in our universe, they just don’t know how many. Because there are so many galaxies out there that are beyond our reach, we may not be the only living things in this universe!

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

This article is written by Ashley Dale for Mind Power World: http://www.MindPowerWorld.com


Brain Power and Psychic Power of the Mind

Brain Power and Psychic Power of the Mind

1. Brain Power

Like any muscle in the human body, the brain grows with use. Now, that’s not to say that as you learn new things your head will grow into a misshapen monstrosity. The human brain can be compared to a very complex computer.

There has yet to be a person who has even come close to using their entire mental capacity. Science had previously estimated that on average, people use only 10 percent of their mental capabilities, this surely doesn’t seem like very much when you consider what human beings are capable of and all of our accomplishments as a species. Neurologists claim that the cerebral cortex is the center of all thought. The Cerebral Cortex is made up of two halves. These two halves are connected by an intricate web of nerve fibers called Corpus Collosum. These fibers act as a super highway connecting these two halves of your brain.

It is a proven scientific fact that, the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex is the one that is called upon to handle things that involve matters of logic, such as, reasoning, analysis, numbers and words. The right hemisphere of the brain, on the other hand, controls visualization, daydreaming, pattern recognition, color, images and imagination.

There is a universally common belief that people are either right brained or left brained. If this is the case, then it would only make sense to assume that folks like the brilliant, world renowned scientist, Albert Einstein was left brained and the creative, master photographer, Ansel Adams was right brained. However, this is not the case. After his death on April 18, 1955 at the age of 76, when Albert Einstein’s notebooks were recovered and upon closer examination they revealed a truth contrary to this commonly agreed upon theory. Einstein’s notebooks revealed that he had given credit for some of his most tremendous scientific insights to his more creative left brained daydreaming. Most people educated in these areas of science and/or biology would give credit for such ground breaking theories and scientific expertise to the more logical, left brained thinking rather than the more artistic and imagination based right brained thinking, Einstein was a dreamer.

2. Psychic Power

Innate abilities are those that you are born with or come to you naturally. It is believed in many cultures that as people, each of us has a natural psychic ability. However, just having this ability doesn’t do you much good without knowing how to access it at will. To access this natural psychic ability, it is also said that you need to master the ability to “open” what is commonly referred to in psychic communities as your third eye, which is one of seven chakras, that we all have as a part of a system. This third chakra is considered to be the mind’s center which is also your road to wisdom, spirituality and inner vision. It is for this reason that the majority of credible psychics consider this the most important of your seven chakras. Opening this chakra gives you the ability to access spiritual guidance. Learning to do this is no easy task either. Successfully opening your third eye will only become obvious once you have actually done it. Harnessing your psychic ability and opening your third eye is most commonly achieved through meditation and chanting.

Now, with this mild understanding of the basic principals of how psychic abilities can work to your advantage, how can they actually help us to lead a more successful, happy and productive life? Every day many of us experience a feeling in our gut about certain things in our daily life, for instance, places, people or even situations, the majority of us though, never act upon these impulses, which in most cases in a shame, because usually these feelings are being generated from inside your brain and are trying to tell you something. These impulses possibly carry something, that is of great significance. They could be warning signs or signs that are meant to encourage you, being transmitted from deep in your subconscious mind. Finding a way to harness this ability would be a significant benefit in the workplace and oddly as it may sound, this is entirely possible. Earlier in this article, I mentioned that it has been scientifically proven that as a human, you only use between one and ten percent of your brain. Also, scientists are uncertain what the other 90 to 99 percent of the human brain is doing. So, even the most hard core skeptics among us would have to find this a bit intriguing and ask themselves, isn’t it possible that if we don’t understand what 90 percent of the brain is doing, that some small part of it may be attributed to this? You have got to wonder.

The unconscious and subconscious mind

Many people mistakenly confuse the subconscious and unconscious mind. Also there are those who think that unconscious simply means knocked out. Sigmund Freud distinguished the differences in the two by stating that the subconscious mind is a place in the mind, just below our conscious mind where we store easily accessed information. The unconscious mind, however is where repressed memories are stored. For example, when you want to remember someone’s telephone number, you would access it via you subconscious mind. That is to say, that the number isn’t simply floating around in your conscious mind, but rather it can be access by recalling the memory of it. Your unconscious mind, on the other hand, is where you place traumatic memories. Memories that may be damaging to your psyche.

In today’s unpredictable society, where you never can tell if anyone of the people around you at any given time should be perceived as a threat. It is vital that you rely on your cognitive ability throughout your daily routine. Even when you are making the most minor and seemingly insignificant decisions, this ability comes into play. However, you do have yet another, very useful tool at your disposal, the subconscious mind. Much like a two way radio, your unconscious is sending and receiving energy, constantly reading the positive and negative energy that is being transmitted by their psyches. Your subconscious then analyzing this constant stream of information and other people are doing the same. This is that gut feeling you get, that I mentioned earlier.


There are a quite a few differing opinions about how to achieve success. People also have differing opinions on what success is wealth, happiness, health even freedom. There are five things that surely define success.

1. It is hard to disagree with the fact that you can be considered successful if you’re getting paid doing what you love.

2. Being great at what you do can be a sure sign of success. Perfecting your life’s ambition is a major hurdle to overcome on the road to success.

3. You will be hard pressed to find a successful person who does not believe in themselves.

4. Persistence throughout all of your endeavors, regardless of what they are is a consistent trait of those who are successful in life.

5. To truly be successful, you must find your niche and pursue it from a unique perspective.

This article is written by Edward Micknius for Mind Power World: http://www.MindPowerWorld.com


Six Things You Should Know about the Law of Attraction

Six Things You Should Know about the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction can be boiled down into a simple formula: you think about it, you get it. Although the law can be described in such a simple manner, it does not mean the practice of the law is equally as simple.

Attracting positive, wonderful and positively wonderful things into your life can be simple if you go about it with proper discretion. But the law of attraction can be useless or even hazardous if you don’t.

Believe it can happen. Talk and thoughts can be cheap if you don’t believe the law of attraction can work. You can meditate for weeks, hum for days and chant for hours, but the real law of attraction happens deeper within your soul. If part of you is still saying that all your chanting, humming and meditation is hooey, that’s what it will be.

On the flip side, you can attract what you want even without rituals to go along with it as long as you truly believe your wishes can come true. Visualizing yourself among the things and way of life you hope to attain is a powerful way to start believing it.

You can even go one step further and make tangible picture or collage of your desired life. Hang up photos of your dream car, illustrations of your dream house or go all-out and create a dream collage. Clip images, words and phrases from a variety of sources to make a mélange of all you want. Stare at all of them often. Imagine yourself in the driver’s seat, the cozy new kitchen or enjoying the beach in Barbados pictured on the bottom left side of your collage.

Believe you deserve it. Even if you believe the law of attraction can work for you, all efforts can be thwarted if you don’t believe you deserve it. Negative self-image, low-self esteem and thoughts of being unworthy, useless and undeserving of anything good can pretty much block the channel that allows good things to come your way.

A steady stream of positive affirmations can help get you out of the undeserving funk. After all, your negative self-image was most likely created in part by continuously feeding yourself negative thoughts. Learn to enjoy a healthy diet of positive thoughts to help clear the toxic negativity from your system.

Negative friends, environments and attitudes are also major contributors. Kick them all out and unblock the channel. You deserve it. You are worth it. You have the right to be happy.

Be careful what you wish for. The danger of quick, off-the-cuff wishes is perhaps best exemplified in “The Monkey’s Paw.” The story basically involves a couple that is granted three wishes, but the whole gig backfires.

Their first wish is for riches. So their son gets killed in a work accident and they inherit a load of money. Their second wish is for their son to come back. So he does, as a grotesquely mutilated, zombie-like being from the grave. Their third wish gets wasted by sending the son back to his grave.

Not much more needs to be said about being careful with your wishes, or those things you wish to attract into your life. The care links back to being specific and thinking through what you really want.

Beware of negative obsessions. The universe is powerful and very accommodating. It wants you to be happy. It wants to give you what you want. But it also can have a tough time discerning between what you want and what you don’t want if you happen to be obsessing about the latter.

If your brain is stuck obsessing about how awful your life is or how afraid you are of losing your home or your limbs or your spouse, guess what? The law of attraction can kick into action.

It will home in on thoughts like “awful” and “lose home” and “lose spouse.” Since the universe is eager to accommodate you, you may best get ready for a continuously “awful life” that leaves you homeless and divorced to boot.

For the law of attraction to be most effective, you must clear out your brain of the negative thoughts and let the positive flow freely through it.

Watch what you say. Words can be just as powerful as thoughts when it comes to the law of attraction. Negative words can bring negative results, even if you do not mean the words in a negative way.

Let’s say you are warning a kid not to touch a hot stove. If you say something along the lines of, “Don’t get burned,” the universe can zoom in on the word “burned” and – voila! – the child ends up with a scorched hand.

If you instead warn the kid with something like, “Don’t touch that so you stay safe,” the universe zooms in on “safe.” You get the picture.

Take stock of how you warn your friends and loved ones of dangers or even bid them goodbye for the day. You may be inadvertently peppering them with potential harm. “Don’t get hurt,” “Don’t fall,” and “Don’t get killed,” are prime examples.

The trick to getting out of this habit is simply dropping the “don’t” and focusing on what you do want. “Stay safe,” “Keep your balance,” and “Come home healthy” are much more effective word choices.

Sometimes what you want is not what’s best for you. Sigh. This can be tough lesson to swallow, especially for those who have tried the law of attraction for specific things to no avail. Although the universe wants you to be happy and wants to accommodate your desires, it also wants what’s best for you. It also always knows best.

Look back on your life and you’ll see how many times you did not get something you wanted only to have a better thing come along. This can apply to a new job or new home. Or think back on things that did not work out how you hoped, resulting in a new direction on your journey that brought you more joy than you could have ever imagined.

You can probably easily come up with several examples of unfulfilled wishes that left you much better off. The law of attraction was still at work, but on a much deeper level than your surface desire for a new job, new car or new house. It was fueling you with what you needed most to live the life you were meant to live.

This article is written by Ryn Gargulinski for Mind Power World: http://www.MindPowerWorld.com

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